The versatility and flexibility of WordPress allow for virtually unlimited implementations; from a personal blog to complete news portals and from a simple creative portfolio to a full-featured eCommerce site. The complexity of a project dictates the number of persons needed to accomplish it. In this post we'll focus on the case of a single person getting the job done.
This time we are digging into Gutenberg, the new WordPress editor which is continuously growing and getting better every day. It is intended to become the “barebone” of WordPress. Indeed, Gutenberg blocks are a very intuitive way of creating a page. Although it has been the subject of thorough criticism, many developers are adopting it […]
While the international readership on the Internet is growing, effective content authoring becomes one of the top priorities. Indeed, the way you serve the content to the readers, as well as the search engine optimization of the entire article, is the key to attracting and keeping visitors to a website.
You may enjoy all the bells and whistles that come with Gutenberg, on the other hand, many websites probably won't benefit from the new editor. Furthermore, you may only need to restore the classic WordPress editor for compatibility reasons or just because most of your contributors are already familiar with it and, they are not very keen on learning a new builder.