The Joy Of Creating An SEO Strategy
If you need to get a valuable rank on the search results (and convert this popularity into real money), you should consider creating an SEO strategy. As a matter of fact, a good rank usually comes as a result of a long, challenging process. To climb to the top positions, you need to have a valid site structure, original content, and do much off-site work. But that’s not all. The search engine companies are frequently performing small changes to the algorithms they use to present their results. You need to adapt to those changes to maintain or improve your position. Let’s see how to develop an effective SEO strategy and help to maintain it for a long time.
Well Began Is Half Done
1. Build A Robust Site
Whether is a blog, a business site, a portfolio, a news portal, or an e-commerce site, WordPress provides us all the tools we need to create an SEO-friendly website with lots of potentials. Additionally, you can amplify the marketing power of the site with the right theme. The search engines, among other actions, are investigating the structure of every site. A theme must respect the semantic and non-semantic elements of the page to provide clear information about the site. Then is what you do with this structure. It’s only when you add content to the site where the structure becomes meaningful.
Did you know that Plethora Themes are crafted with SEO in mind? Our developers are using methods based on Semantic Web Standards. This way you can start deploying immediately as everything will appear in place not only for the human eye but for the search engines as well.
2. Add Your Brand To The Social Networks
More of today’s businesses are build upon social networks. You can’t blame them for that. After all, most of today’s internet traffic is driven through those networks. While WordPress provides you with the backbone of your campaign, if you need to create a prosperous SEO strategy, you can do more if you engage with social media. Adding your brand there will help to make it more noticeable. Equally, you can add credits to your site by adding outbound links to their pages. Search engines seem to love this engagement especially when your site begins earning the attention of an increasing number of users. Every link is adding a point to your authority. More social network posts linking to your site will generally benefit your search engine recognizability.
3. Create Original And Relevant Content
If you think is challenging enough to create a friendly website for the search engines, try adding some content. Relatively speaking, the content is the king of your SEO strategy. The website building technics are pretty straightforward. At the same time, social media are evolving around a pattern that, although varies from time to time, basically remains the same. Eventually, it’s the content that makes the difference. Although the famous Google Algorithm changes almost every day, the right content can hang around the top result pages for a long time. In a few words, you need original, interesting, and easy-to-understand texts to get a position in the search results market. Yes, you must follow some rules to develop the texts, but first, you must have a compelling idea. If writing is not your favorite thing, consider hiring a professional copywriter.
4. Share Your Content In Every Possible Way (but don’t spam!)
The next step to create an SEO strategy is disclosure. Sharing is caring. Do that in every possible way but try not to spam. Extend your content’s limits by making it familiar to more users. This is where the infamous “conversion rate” starts to count. Spreading your content to the internet will allow people interested in the same issues to locate you. An article can become the pathway to your site. A person who runs into one of your posts, reads it, and finding it interesting, will most possibly browse some of the other pages of your site as well. Some users will come back. If you are selling something someone may consider buying it. While the information you are sharing is super-helpful, people don’t know that until they read it. Sharing a good post at the right place and time might bring you more clicks than you can imagine.
5. Obtain Backlinks From Other Valid Creators
You may have some friends you haven’t still met. Other people with the same attitude, similar interest, and a generally positive mood. A developer is more likely to find your posts interesting if you are a developer too. If you are writing about a hot issue, some people might agree with you. Or might not. Let them comment and if your post is being discussed on socials, don’t miss the opportunity to interact with other people. Your SEO strategy is related to those loose relationships too. Be polite and patient. Sooner or later you are going to meet some soul-brothers and sisters on the web. Share their content if you find it intriguing. Amplify their thought, let them spread their message. Eventually, your words will gain the same attention. Because what you give is what you get. Remember, you are not the only one out there. But you are one of kind. Invest in this uniqueness.
6. Keep Calm and Don’t Give Up On Your Site
You made it up to here. You created a great site. Your digital persona is thriving and your brand has become synonymous with your ideas. You are getting a lot of visits to the site and you’ve found a way to convert them into real money. Well done. You can have a break but, don’t rest. Your position in the search results is never secured. Your website is the barebone of your strategy. Keeping it updated is necessary. As WordPress is evolving, some elements become deprecated while new ones are introduced. The theme and the plugins need to comply with the new elements, so they release new versions. Don’t miss critical updates, it’s a safety issue too. A site that is compromised by a virus in the long term will alert Google. Links will trigger the browser’s security page, which will not be in Google’s favor at all. When it comes to the design, outdated aesthetics will possibly alienate your new visitors. Your content might (almost) never become out fashioned. Everything else will. Stay. Up. To. Date.

Helpers And Utilities For Creating An SEO Strategy
If you really need to create an SEO strategy that rocks, you should take advantage of some tools. Because of the nature of this work that requires on and off-site actions, you will need to combine plugins that run in your site with standalone applications.
Select The Appropriate SEO Plugin For Your WordPress Site
The WordPress plugin directory has an impressive amount of tools for SEO. The list is almost endless therefore I’m sure you’ll find the ones you need. However, the most popular plugin appears to be Yoast SEO. It has become the synonym for creating valid content for search engines. Even the free version provides all the tools you need to improve your positions in the search engines. Joost de Valk himself, the founder and CPO of the company that maintains this plugin on his 2019 WordCamp Athens speech (timeline 2:53) admitted that “everything you need to rank in the search engines is an will always be Yoast SEO free”. When it comes to copywriting and compliance with SEO principles, Yoast is the holly growl of the plugins.
Supercharge Your Website With SEO Tools
A popular meme on social networks prompts for “don’t tell people your plans, show the results”. It couldn’t be more accurate when it comes to SEO. For that, you will need some data to make decisions. In fact, hard data will help you focus on the part of your project that is most prosperous and abandon what is being neglected. Creating an analysis of your page’s audience and popularity is the alpha and omega of your strategy. SEO tools will help you locate the cornerstone content of your site and push it to its boundaries. Check out these tools:

GTMetrix (for analyzing speed)
Google Analytics (for examining/targeting audience)
Facebook Business Suite (for audience targeting)
MOZ free SEO Tools (multiple usages)
Ahrefs Webmaster Tools (multiple usages)
Semrush (marketing tools)
All In One SEO (WordPress plugin)
Google Mobile-Friendly Test (device type-specific)
Do you have a tool to suggest? Feel free to add it to the comments section below.
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